Did You Know – Cotton Candy

December 7th was National Cotton Candy Day so I thought I would share these fun facts.

  1. Machine spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C Wharton.
  2. They called cotton candy Fairy Floss and Candy Floss and it resembles cotton.
  3. It was first introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair.
  4. At the World’s Fair they sold over 68,655 boxes. They sold a box for .25 cents which would be $8.14 today.
  5. Cotton candy is made by heating and liquefying sugar and spinning it centrifugally through minute holes. This causes it to cool rapidly and re-solidify into fine strands.
  6. Cotton Candy is often sold at fairs, circuses, carnivals and festivals.
  7. It is served in plastic bags, on a stick or on a paper cone.
  8. There is a small amount of flavoring and food coloring in cotton candy.
  9. Sold globally, it is called candy floss in the United Kingdom, Ireland, India, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and South Africa. It is called fairy floss in Australia, “daddy’s beard” in France, “girls hair” in the United Arab Emirates and “girls yarn” in Egypt.
  10. A thread of cotton candy is thinner than a human hair.


Image: http://www.pixabay.com

Source: http://www.wikipedia.org


  1. I didn’t know those facts and they were interesting Diane. We called it candy floss in Canada and it left you with sticky pink fingers. When I last had it, it only came in pink.

    • Now they sell it at places like Wal-Mart in plastic containers and it is awful! Even the grandkids wouldn’t eat it. You can’t beat the original way of freshly spun festival cotton candy! They sell small household spinners to make your own now, I almost bought one. Lol

  2. I love that cotton candy was invented by a dentist! Probably to get more business from the kids. 😆 T can’t resist cotton candy when we go to the fairs.

    • That is the only place to buy it from. Has T tried the cotton candy in the plastic containers from places like Wal-Mart? It is so bad that my grandkids wouldn’t eat it. I bet he is getting excited for Santa!

      • Yes, T has a tooth for the worst kind of junk, including those from Walmart! 😆 Yes he is so excited for Christmas but thankfully not disregulated. 🙏

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